Banner template 1

in Molla


++ Turn off on mobile? If you don't want to show it on Mobile only
++ Turn off on desktop? If you don't want to show it on Desktop only
++ Max width section: adjust the width of the sections
++ Margin and padding: increase or decrease the gap between the section and other sections


++ Background effect
- Simple: the image have no animation
- Parallax:  the background image is moved at a different speed than the foreground content while scrolling.
- Move follow mouse: the image moves when hover mouse over it

* Preview demo: click this link to direct to demo site of the banners


- Turn off block : the section is not displayed

- Section title content

- Margin bottom of title

- Section title:




** Banners type 4 settings

++  Banner hover effect

- Banner hover effect 1: there is a light shadow cover over the image

- Banner hover effect 2: there is a shadow cover over from right to left the image

- Banner hover effect 3

- Banner hover effect 4

- Banner hover effect 5


- Banner hover effect 6


 ++ Banner contents

- Add image as a banner

- Add title

- Add button text, custom button's color, button's style



 Similars steps to other banner images


- Banner type 1

- Banner type 2

- Banner type 3

- Banner type 4

- Banner type 4